Catherine Woodiwiss

Austin, Texas
reporter and writer on tech, religion, and society


Catherine Woodiwiss

I'm a designer, researcher, and writer in Austin, Texas. Previously, I was deputy online editor for Sojourners in Washington, DC. Before that, I worked in public policy & public health. I'm a trained anthropologist, and my work focuses on culture, tech, religion, and spirituality.

My work was featured in The New York Times and has also appeared in The Atlantic, Pacific Standard, The Washington Post, ThinkProgress, and Books & Culture.

My favorite posture is ethnographer, tracing the evolutions of ideas and rituals through time and place.

I co-founded Trestles, a service design consultancy for creative economies in DC and Raleigh/Durham, and co-launched Homestage, a DIY house show network in DC.

In 2014, I spoke on collaborative solutions and "Do It Together" design models at SXSW in Austin, Texas.

A collection of my reporting on sexual abuse in Christian communities, "I Believe You: Sexual Violence and the Church," was published the same year (avail on Amazon).

Design strategist & researcher (in-house & freelance), 2018-present

Journalist (in-house & freelance), 2012-present

Interaction Design, AC4D, 2018-2019

Featured Columnist, Sojourners Magazine, 2016-2019

Deputy Online Editor, Sojourners, 2013-2018

Award, Science for Religion Reporters, AAAS/DoSER, 2016

Fellow, International Reporting Project, Johns Hopkins (Technology + Religion), 2015

Award of Excellence, Editorial or Opinion, ACP 2015

Award of Mention, Book (Nonfiction), ACP 2015

Fellow, Radio/Film, Media Institute for Social Change

Member, Religion Newswriters Association